Category Δημοσιεύματα

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“Aube dorée” au Rex: fiction ou réalité?

La Grèce était à l’honneur jeudi dernier au Rex avec un ciné débat spécial sur le parti nationaliste «Aube dorée» autour de deux films présentés par leurs réalisateurs. Ainsi, « Aube dorée, une affaire personnelle » d’Angélique Kourounis, traite…

Victor Fraga / (31/05/2016)

Review published on Can you be impartial when your family integrity is at stake? Documentary investigates the rise of the far-right in Greece, police complacency and the implications for foreigners and for liberal activists living in the Balkan nation.…

Euronews (Giorgos Mitropoulos – 16/3/2016)

18th Thessaloniki Film Festival: Golden Dawn under the microscope of Angelique Kourounis Angelique Kourounis’ “Golden Dawn: A Personal Affair” has provoked several discussions at this year’s documentary film festival, capturing in sharp detail the phenomenon of Golden Dawn in Greece…

Exostispress (Greece – 16/3/2016)

By Sotiria Papantoniou Golden Dawn: A Personal Affair – What’s in the mind of the neo-Nazi next door? Angélique Kourounis’ documentary about the existence and the rise of nationalist party Golden Dawn is indeed a personal affair, but one which…

CINEPIVATES (Greece – 16/03/2016)

Angelique Kourounis, with courage and patience, has for years been following the activities of the Golden Dawn party. The assault squads, demonstrations, what happens in their local meetings, and especially what is in the mind of the Golden Dawner next…

MOVE IT / A.K. (Greece – 16/03/2016)

The journalist Angelique Kourounis (best known for her work in French in mediums such as Charlie Hebdo, TV5 Monde, Group Radio France), and a Greek resident since 1985, presented at this year’s Documentary Festival of Thessaloniki the film “Golden Dawn: A Personal… (Greece – 03/03/2016)

Local offerings at the 18th Thessaloniki doc fest Angelique Kourounis’s latest documentary on Golden Dawn, Greece’s infamous neo-Nazi party, has an inevitable existential quality: “My partner in life is a Jew, one of my sons is gay, another is an…

Jewniverse (online – 01/03/2016)

How One Greek Woman is Exposing Trump’s Fascist Kindred Spirits Five years ago, when journalist and filmmaker Angélique Kourounis began trailing Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn party, it wasn’t simply because she wanted to expose the political organization’s neo-Nazi and fascist…

Broadly – Vice (online – 23/02/2016)

Interview with Julie Tomlin, published on Vice’s Broadly [note: with a somewhat exaggerated title chosen by the website’s editor that we think does not represent the actual content] How One Filmmaker Infiltrated a Notorious Neo-Nazi Movement For Five Years ‘Golden…

Periódico Diagonal (Spain – 21/01/2016)

“La crisis por sí sola no explica el auge de Amanecer Dorado” Hablamos con la directora de ‘Golden Dawn: a personal affair’, trabajo que retrata al partido neonazi griego. Ter García 21/01/16 · 8:00 Amanecer Dorado nunca ocultó su ideología de…